Wednesday, September 4, 2013


 For Christmas my mom gave me a budgeting/privilege thingy. Basically she gives me a certain amount of cash for each month of the year. What first came to my mind was like...SHOPPING SPREE. But sadly no, that's wasn't the case. I would have to buy all my "Girly" type of stuff each month. Shampoo, deodorant, etc. I have had many temptations with this especially shopping for clothes. But I am so glad I have the practice now to turn things down instead of it being impossible to turn things down in the future.
This is what I basically do for example, if your going to the mall maybe go straight to the clearance section so your not tempted to buy all the "new" items. What I usually do is go to goodwill on Tuesday's and pick only clothes that are green tag which is $1.49. So basically spending $6 on 3 practically brand new pair of jeans and an  adorable pair of shoes is what works best for me. Plus you have those "unexpected youth group activities" that come up so saving when you don't need anything is a good idea.
Anywho I had one of my best friends over for a few hours.  It was awesome!

Hope this helped! Have a great school week!
~Glam Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mom gave me a budget too. It's just for clothes though, I get $5 a week to spend on whatever. I like to go to Goodwill on half of days after my money has stacked up a bit! :) Loved reading about your budget! Glad to see you blogging again, it's so fun to hear what's been going on!