Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hammock Fun/ Sister Fun!

 I had so much fun today with this hammock!  Pillar thought it was just a wad of rope, opened it up nope!  A hammock!  I always wanted one of these things!  We have a bout an acre of land and tons of tree's ( which stink for raking leaves!) and found the perfect spot!  Just look at how much fun we had!
       Save me! Don't let me go into the light! lol
            Great laughs!

Had a great time with my best older sister in the world! 

Doesn't she look beautiful! I love this picture of her!
                 We had a great time together! I love you pillar! Hope you all have a great day!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Colored my hair! Plus a fun contest and giveaway!

 My mom went to Walmart on Saturday and there was a whole bunch of colored spray paint for your hair!  Today we decided to spray away!  Turns out there was a contest on my cousin Banana Taffy's blog( click on his picture which is down on the right side)  to spray tour hair different colors!   Of course I entered!  I am so excited to have had my hair look completely wacky for the whole day!  Here are a couple of pictures.
As you can probably tell on my face I am really excited!  Here are the colors I used: Orange, yellow, purple and a little bit of green!  It is kind of hard to tell the difference with orange because of my hair color.  We added sparkles also but you can't see them in the picture, bummer! lol!  Hope you all have a great week and make sure to check out his contest and you could win a $5.00 gift card to Dairy Queen or Starbucks!  Have  a blessed day                                                                                                  

Thursday, September 1, 2011


This is hilarious video!  If you wanna find more of his go to julian on you tube!