Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Guys blogger Tag

I know this is a guy blogger tag, but my cousin tagged me on it so I'll do it just for fun!

What is your favorite brand of Shoe/Boot -  I don't really pay attention to shoe brands just if it is cute you buy it!

What is your favorite car company - Volts Wagon!  I want a slug bug!

What is your favorite meat to eat - Chicken!  There are tons of ways to cook chicken and I love cooking with it!

What is your favorite way to eat meat (burger, ribs, steak, meatloaf, etc. ) - Definitely Ribs!  Especially ones that are covered in BBQ sauce! Yum!

What is your favorite sport to watch on TV - Swimming

What is your favorite sport to play with friends - Volley ball!

What is your favorite working activity outside - Probably Gardening, even though we don't do it very often I still like making the yard look pretty!

What is your favorite working activity inside - Cleaning my room!  I love cleaning it and making it look like a palace every time I go in it!

If you have a license, do you like driving - Nope, But I will in a few years!

What is your favorite "war" movie - Anne Of Green Gables the third one.

What is your favorite series of movies - Love comes Softly, and Christy!

Most recent movie you watched - Tron.

What is your favorite junk food - Reese's Pieces!

What do you mostly do throughout your day - Do a ton of school, take a break to play outside, clean the house, Clean the kitchen, etc.

Have you ever wished you were public schooled - Yes, I have ever since I left.

Have you ever been terrified for your life - Not that I can think of.

Is this a boring blogger tag - Nope!  Kind of fun too!

Do you own a gun - Absolutely Not! 

Have you even had a job - No, but I wish I could at least baby sit.

What is the maximum of money you have owned at one time period - $100

What is your favorite website - Facebook

How many hours do you hang out on Facebook/Twitter/Google - Probably only 30 minutes a day.

Well, That was fun!  Here are the people I am going to tag:

Mrs. Taffy
Rachel Grace

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Josiah said...

Thanks for sharing Miracle!!!!