I would love to be rich! Wouldn't you? I would be most happy if I married a rich man. But I would also like to marry a dirt farmer. It would be kinda fun! But I will marry whatever man God has in store for me. Anyways about Money, I LOVE to shop and spend! It makes me feel real happy, but in the end if I spend it badly on some junky thing I would be upset. So I am doing what my cousin is doing only bring a certain amount of money when you go shopping or garage sailing. So I plan to only spend a dollar every 1-2 weeks. Then I will get lower and lower, but then get back up to a dollar!

Sometimes I think to myself, what if I were an only child? Well, I would get all the attention and good stuff. But I would be bored to death! I know my cousins are probably never bored because of each other! lol! That's why I plan to have as many children God wants me to have!
And nobody to fight and play with. :( But I guess fighting is a not so much a great thing. I would probably, maybe, not really....Just joking, should work on that.
Isn't she Cute! My little cousin, Marshmallow Taffy!

A vegetable that I absolutely hate and will throw up if I eat it, CORN. If you are planning to try corn, go right ahead but just warning you that corn is mold! And is not especially healthy for you. I am very pleased that I don't like it. But if we go to some body's house and corn is in the dish, I will eat it out of kindness, and drink lots of water! lol!

Sorry for not blogging much, I forgot that my little sister rosebud and mama pillar made a jar with tons of idea's for blogging in it. Thanks for still reading cousins! Have a blessed day!